unique HRV concept

without supply air ducts also in existing homes

It is our mission to offer everybody the most excellent air possible and we want to contribute to making the housing stock more sustainable.
Reason for us to develop a new and unique ventilation concept: Multi Air Supply. This system now makes it possible to equip every home, newly built and existing, with an HRV system. Application of the smart Indoor Mixfan with active CO2 control ensures an optimum air quality in every room.

How does it work?
The system is based on a heat recovery ventilation (HRV) unit, type Flair or Renovent. This brings fresh, healthy air into the home and removes stale air. A special feature of the Multi Air Supply system is that the air is blown freely into the central hall or landing (stair column). So, no need for supply ducts. Fresh air is supplied through the gap under the habitable room door and exhausted by the CO2-controlled Indoor Mixfan, a compact mixing fan that can be placed above or next to the door.

https://www.brinkclimatesystems.nl/storage/stills uit videos/Multi-Air-Supply-huis-met-pijlen-en-Mixfan----ENG.png
mixing fan

Smart Indoor Mixfan

The Indoor Mixfan mixing fan is placed above the internal door or in the separating wall of the landing/hall and the bedroom or living room.

The mixing fan features a small, silent, low-energy fan and a CO2 meter.

The Indoor Mixfan removes the stale air from the room dependent on the CO2 percentage. Then the same quantity of air is automatically supplied from the hall and the landing.

https://www.brinkclimatesystems.nl/storage/stills uit videos/Indoor-Mixfan---overloop-en-zoom ENG.png

active carbon dioxide control

The Indoor Mixfan comes as standard with a CO2 sensor. In addition, a CO2 sensor in the hall connects to the HRV unit. This CO2 control ensures active demand ventilation in every individual room. The ventilation rate is adjusted to the current indoor air quality. The sensor will detect when the quality deteriorates due to the presence of many people in the living room and then the ventilation rate in that room will automatically increase.

This ensures that the air quality in the entire home remains optimal and that ventilation remains limited to what is necessary. That makes this ventilation method low-energy and sustainable.

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innovative system unique and sustainable

Watch the video and discover the operation, advantages, and possibilities of the Multi Air Supply System.


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